Did you ever wish you could go to Israel? What if you could tour Israel with a Christian archaeologist and envision things in the Bible better? These pictures are a small sample of what this could offer you:
Pictures scanned from The Model of Ancient Jerusalem at the time of the Second Temple, Recovering Capharnaum and Nazareth Village
Check out my pictures
Model of First Century Jerusalem
I was more interested in picturing ancient Israel than I was in the churches built on holy sites. This model enabled our Christian archaeologist to explain where things were from stories in the Bible. This view of first-century Jerusalem has the Pool of Siloam in the foreground….
Old and New Testament Times
The promise of God in Exodus 3:8, that God would bring the Israelites to a land “flowing with milk and honey,” speaks of two different lifestyles. In the north where there’s more rain, the Israelites would farm, produce pollen, and the bees would produce honey. In the south….
Model of Golgotha
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on what is most likely the site of Golgotha…. There is no reason to believe that Jesus was crucified on top of a hill…. The Roman Catholic Church depicted…crucifixion at the top because it seems to exult Jesus better….
The Biblical Resources Center was in Jerusalem while I was there in 2002, so that’s why I went with them in 2004. Since 911 was hard on the tourism industry in Israel, they moved to LaGrange, GA. There they teach using replicas of what archaeology reveals of the ancient world.
Nazareth Village was my favorite place to go to in Israel in 2004. They have people dressed in Bible-times attire working as they did in Bible times. They have buildings made from rock, animals, and they farm according to the seasons. We learned more there than almost any other place.
Preview first blog: Monsters in the Bible
Do you like modern art? I don’t. But the imagery in the Bible is often like modern art, isn’t it? This is because of the cultural differences in our mindsets.
I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with 10 horns and 7 heads, with 10 diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.
Revelation 13:1-2
My dad came with me in 2002 and we went to the Biblical Resources Center (BRC) which at the time….
Preview last blog: Putting out a Fleece, Casting Lots, and Choosing that Hill to Die on
How do you determine whether you should take that job? Or marry that individual? Or buy that house? What about the bigger decisions, like going to war or making a mistake that costs others’ lives? Can Christians make decisions with confidence in God’s blessing?
The Bible speaks of lots being cast to make decisions in a wide variety of settings. In 3 cases, the casting of the lot was performed by pagans. (1) The sailors on Jonah’s escape vessel attempted to determine who was responsible for their plight (Jonah 1:7). (2) Ill-intentioned Haman selected a day for the extermination of the Jews in the Persian Empire (Esther 3:7; 9:24). (3) The Roman….
What Can Encourage You to tour Israel?
I made a documentary with plans to sell it on DVDs, so called it “Tour Israel by Remote.” But since then I decided instead to offer it for free by segments, published weekly on YouTube. It’s more important to me to share what I learned if I can encourage and bless many more people with it.
I’m convinced this fascination is contagious, but my prayer is your confidence in God will become contagious, too.
Were you just looking at my YouTube account, “youtube.com/@tourisrael“? Or at tourisraelbyremote.com? All the videos you can watch there are here at my main account also, under the menu option “Tour Israel.”
You can search any word throughout this website:
Concerning my “Documentary Links”:
I’ve been to Israel twice, once with a Christian archaeologist. What if you could virtually tour Israel with experts and see 54 hours of video footage condensed into a number of clips totaling 3-hours? Check out “Tour Israel by Remote” (click on the trailer, next):
Changes for my website
Praise the Lord! I’ve had 4 students helping me since April 22nd, 2024 until including today, June 27th, and they’ve done such an amazing job! Three of the most obvious things they did is fix both the Contact Us and “What would make this website better?” so you can message now if you want, plus they increased the loading efficiency. And behind the scenes! My SEO, security, documentation, research database–wow! Thank you Lord & thank you, students!

Tour Israel by remote through my website with a Christian archaeologist. Find pictures, video clips and information to envision the Bible world better.
8 months ago
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.8 months ago
www.biblicalarchaeology.org/reviews/jesus-last-night-with-his-disciples/ ... See MoreSee Less
9 months ago
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My Focus in Blogging
My story of forgiveness and healing is quite unrelated to envisioning the Bible world. But since our world is sin and pain infested, I suspect many will want to hear more about my personal experience. I wrote a couple of blogs about this, but mostly I focused on envisioning the Bible world. I learned lots after being in Israel, and now I can share that with you.
Plans for Improved Website:
I’m gradually getting my website working better for the visually impaired. This requires a lot of work and I’m pretty busy, but I will persevere.
Thanks for your interest.
Heather, May 2023